Shani Stern – Short CV
2010-2015 Ph.D. Physics of Complex systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Thesis “Ion channels and excitation of neuronal networks in health and disease “, Advisor: Prof. Elisha Moses (with distinction).
2008-2010 M.Sc. Computer Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Thesis “A computational model for prediction of Polycomb recruitment elements in fruit flies’ embryos “, Advisor: Prof. Amos Tanay.
1991-1995 B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (graduated cum laude).
2019 –2023 Associate Professor, Sagol Department of Neurobiology, University of Haifa, Israel
2015-2019 Postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Genetics, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA.
Research project “Mechanisms of hyperexcitability of neurons derived from bipolar disorder neurons”, Advisor: Prof. Fred Gage
2015-2015 Postdoctoral fellow, Physics of Complex systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Advisor: Prof. Elisha Moses
2003-2007 Team leader (speech signal processing team), Motorola Communications, Israel
2000-2003 Team leader (MODEM signal processing team), Intel (cellular division), Israel
1999-1999 Team leader (speech signal processing team), Information Storage Devices, Israel
1997-1998 Digital Signal Processing Engineer, Motorola Communications, Israel
1994-1997 Officer (Logistics), Israel Defense Forces